Rory Reveals He Has Heart “Irregularity” But Insists It’s Not A Big Deal

Heart. It’s what makes a champion. It’s also the most vital organ in the body so when one of the best players in the world says they have a slight issue with theirs, it’s usually a big deal. Earlier this week Rory McIlroy revealed that he has a “bit” of a heart irregularity, but insists it’s not a problem.

The Telegraph’s James Corrigan has the exclusive report:

Sitting down in a coffee bar on Friday beneath the tower of his Dubai residence, the 28-year-old projected the air of an athlete who had recovered his spark – as well his mojo.

Except, the health report he delivered was unexpected after the injured rib which plagued his winless season of 2017.

“The rib’s fine, no problems whatsoever – I had an MRI scan on my thoracic spine and all was OK,” McIlroy said, after returning from yet another sun-lit practice session. “But I’ve got a bit of an irregularity with my heart that I have to keep on top of.

“I have a flat T-wave and I’ll have to get an echo [cardiogram] on my heart every six months and an MRI scan every year. I suffered a really bad viral infection in China 18 months ago and they told me that’s the reason that I have this thickening of my left ventricle and there’s a bit of scar tissue. For now, I just need to stay on top of it and have to stay fit. Hey, I was planning on doing that anyway.”

Sounds a bit more serious than WD’ing because your wisdom teeth hurt … Rory later clarified the situation on IG:

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[The Telegraph]

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