Sergio’s Baby Gender Reveal Is Lamer Than Lame
- Updated: November 12, 2019

Gender reveals have officially gone off the rails. There’s been plane crashes, wildfires, and even a woman who recently filmed herself farting colored powder out of her bare ass. Of course, leave it to Sergio Garcia to not do anything cool at all.
Garcia and his wife announced the gender of their second child with the lamest of lame reveals: hitting an exploding golf ball. Why? Because he’s a professional golfer. Get it?!
Honestly, we’re surprised he didn’t hit a quick sniping duck hook and throw his driver into the woods or at his caddie … or even worse, in this case, his wife with her entire family watching.
Won’t be needing this.
— Skratch (@Skratch) April 20, 2018
Sergio already has a daughter named Azalea. Imagine if he found out he was having another girl? We actually have exclusive footage of what that reaction would’ve been like:
Sergio Garcia’s meltdown in a Royal Greens bunker a day prior to his disqualification for vandalism work on five greens. Story by @SkySportsGolf fills in details. Translations welcomed!
— Geoff Shackelford (@GeoffShac) February 4, 2019
Congrats on having a boy, Sergio! He’ll be more mature than you in no time.
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