6 Easy-To-Attain Goals For A New Golf Season
- Updated: April 28, 2022

A new golf season is upon us so let’s start it off right by making some legit goals. I’m not talking about the kind where you better yourselves.
I could care less if you want to lose weight and make more money.
Let us instead resolve to better ourselves on the golf course. Here are 6 easy-to-attain goals this golf season.
1. Attempt to learn how to putt this season
Stop reading David Ledbetter’s tips in Golf magazine about how to hit the 3-yard baby draw or to gain 7 yards with your driver, and make an effort to learn how to putt.
In my experience, putting well is the most satisfying part of the game. Walking off the course feeling like I made everything I looked at, even if they were all for bogeys and doubles, makes it feel like it was all worthwhile.
2. Try to be a hero this year
Don’t punch out unless you drove it into a portapotty and the only way out is the door.
Hit it through a 3-foot gap in the trees. Try to hit a 40-yard slice 3 feet off the ground. Take 3 wood from 300 yards out of the bunker.
If you play as I do, the reward is far greater than the risk. Walking up to the green knowing that you just pulled off a shot that Phil Mickelson would think twice about is an extremely satisfying feeling.
3. Curse/swear at least once per round
Unless you’re shooting 10 under every time you go out, there is surely at least one shot where your frustration should all come out. I say there’s nothing wrong with this. Bottling up the anger will only make it worse.
If you miss a three-footer, you damn well better be dropping some F-bombs that can be heard by the group on the next green. Serenity now! Serenity now!
4. Don’t keep score for the entire round
…unless you make a birdie of course. Write them all down and circle them in bold.
5. Don’t warm up on the driving range
Instead, warm up with a couple of beers. Maybe bring them to the practice green and hit some one-handed putts.
I started doing this a couple of seasons ago and based on the unofficial stats I keep in my head, my first hole fairway percentage has increased substantially.
6. Don’t play in the rain. The sun will come out tomorrow.
This has been my policy since I left high school golf and didn’t have to play in official matches anymore. I don’t tee it up unless I can wear shorts comfortably.
Granted you can see my sock tan from outer space if and when I go to the beach, it will still remain my policy. Life is too short to be uncomfortable on the golf course.
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