Patrick Reed Blames Spieth And Furyk For Playing Like Garbage At The Ryder Cup
- Updated: October 2, 2018

Following Sunday’s brutal Ryder Cup loss to Europe 17.5-10.5, Patrick Reed went full Patrick Reed when asked about why he wasn’t paired with Jordan Spieth. In short, it was spectacular!
The Spieth/Reed pairing had been 4-1-2 in the previous 2 Ryder Cups, but in Paris Spieth played with good buddy Justin Thomas. Reed played with his idol, Tiger Woods.
Spieth and JT went 3-1 while Reed went 0-2 and played like the piece of garbage most people think he is. Tiger didn’t help, but that’s neither here nor there.
During the presser, he was silent. Afterward, not so much.
“The issue’s obviously with Jordan not wanting to play with me,” he told the The New York Times. “I don’t have any issue with Jordan. When it comes right down to it, I don’t care if I like the person I’m paired with or if the person likes me as long as it works and it sets up the team for success. He and I know how to make each other better. We know how to get the job done.”
Then in true top-5 fashion, he threw Captain Furyk under the proverbial bus after saying he felt “blindsided” by the decision.
“For somebody as successful in the Ryder Cup as I am, I don’t think it’s smart to sit me twice,” he said.
Quick Rant
Got to admire Reed’s ability to live in an alternate universe. He basically morphed from Captain America into Captain Dickbag in France. This is definitely going to win him a bunch of new fans.
Will be interesting to see what effect it will have on his already stellar reputation.
There’s no I in TEAM, but as Patrick says, there is a ME.
This is the petty stuff that if not addressed immediately, makes you wonder if the US will ever win on European soil.
Why does it always feel like there’s no sense of purpose on the US side? No togetherness. It’s always somebody else’s damn fault if it doesn’t go right. It’s ALL our faults!
Take some responsibility. You’re playing for your country. Grow up!
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